The 7 Main Chakra’s and their Healing Crystals.

1. Root/Base Chakra
Color: Red
Crystal: Carnelian
Crystal Healing Properties: Grounding, Stimulates Metabolism, Influences female reproductive organs, Overcomes impotence, Heals lower back issues, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Neuralgia, Depression especially those late in years, Regulates bodily fluids and kidneys, Accelerates healing in bones and ligaments, improves absorption of vitamins and minerals, Insures good blood supply to organs and tissue.

2. Sacral Chakra
Color: Orange
Crystal: Citrine
Crystal Healing Properties: Energizing and Recharging, Stimulates digestion including the spleen and pancreas, Negates infection of the bladder and kidneys, Helps with eye problems, Increases blood flow, Detoxifies the blood, Activates the thymus gland, Balances the thyroid gland, Has a warming effect on and fortifies the nerves, Helpful with mensies and balancing hormones, Relives constipation, Eliminates cellulite.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra
Color: Yellow
Crystal: Rose Quarts
Crystal Healing Properties: Strengthens the heart muscle and circulatory system, Releases impurities from bodily fluids, Aids with chest and lung issues, Heals kidneys and adrenal glands, Alleviates vertigo, Helps with burns and blisters, Smooths complexion, Helps with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Senile dementia.

4. Heart Chakra
Color: Green
Crystal: Aventurine
Crystal Healing Properties: Benefits the Thymus gland, Aids connective tissue and nervous system, Balances blood pressure, Stimulates metabolism, Lowers cholesterol, Prevents Arteriosclerosis and Heart attacks, Is anti-inflammatory, Relives migraines and headaches, Soothes the eyes, Heals the adrenal glands- lungs- sinuses- heart- muscles and urogenital system.

5. Throat Chakra
Color: Light Blue
Crystal: Sodalite
Crystal Healing Properties: Balances metabolism, Overcomes calcium deficiencies, Cleanses lymphatic system and organs, Boosts the immune system, Combats radiation damage and treats to the throat- vocal cords and larynx, Helpful with hoarseness and digestive disorders, Cools fevers, Lowers blood pressure, Stimulates fluid absorption in the body.

6. Third Eye Chakra
Color: Indigo
Crystal: Amethyst
Crystal Healing Properties: Boosts hormone production, Tunes the endocrine system and metabolism, Strengthens and cleanses the eliminating organs, Strengthens the immune system, Cleans the blood, Relives physical- emotional and physiological pain or stress, Eases headaches and releases tension, Reduces bruising and swelling of injuries, Treats hearing disorders, Heals dis-ease of the lungs and respiratory tract, Helps intestines- negates flora, Removes parasites, Encourages water absorption, Treats insomnia and brings restful sleep.

7. Crown Chakra
Color: Violet
Crystal: Clear Quartz
Crystal Healing Properties: Master Healer for any condition, Stimulates the immune system, Brings body into balance, Sooths burns, Harmonizes all the Chakra’s, Aligns all the subtle bodies.

Calendula ( Calendula officinalis )

Calendula  ( Calendula officinalis )

Calendula has essential oils, carotenoids, musilage, saponins, and bitter constiuents thatare useful in decreasing inflammation, and it’s external use leads to improved healing time. The blossom promotes tissue granulation, inhibits inflammatory response, and soothes pain from burns. Internally the blossoms promote the draining of swollen lymph glands such as in tonsillitis.


This was really cool post and had to re-blog it.

Rosy Kaur

Heal Yourself by regularly cleansing and balancing the your Chakras.  In brief, Chakras are the Multi-Dimensional portals within our body. They govern our life by controlling our physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual Bodies.  Balanced Chakras bring peace and harmony within ourselves, as well as in our physical reality.  The Chart below shows the Chakra locations, the Mudras that you use during the balancing exercise, the Corresponding Colour for the Chakras and the Mantras.  Love & Peace to all!

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Essential Oils for Sinus Congestion.

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For those of us that suffer from sinus congestion Here is what I have found that works for almost instant relief.

Steam Inhalation:

2 cups boiling water

2-4 drops of Peppermint Essential oil

2-4 drops of Eucalyptus Essential oil

The amount of essential oil you use depends on how sever your congestion is. Both oils are very powerful at breaking up congestion plus they have the added benefit of fighting off an infection if one is present.

Add the boiling water to a small bowl then add the essential oils. cover your head with a large towel and lean over the bowl and close your eyes. Take as many deep breaths as you can through your nose. With in a short amount of time your sinuses should have instant relief. If there is some pain from the congestion you can add 2-4 drops of Lavender Essential oil to help ease the pain.

You can repeat the process as often as needed.

Untamed Fact #17

So true I would also add a spiritual aspect that some earth religions used the dried stalk as a flute to guild passed loved ones into the after life.

horsetailHorsetail has survived since the age of dinosaurs and is considered by many to be a living fossil. An incredibly potent source of silica, horsetail has been used for scouring and scrubbing since ancient times. A strong support for filtering toxins and a powerful tonic for the kidneys, it is best wild-crafted in the spring and dried or tinctured for later use. Folklore suggests horsetail’s ability to successfully span time makes it a great support for the turning of the seasons, particularly at the shift from warm summer to moist autumn.

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Herbalism from the Desert



Even the desert can provide powerful nutrition and medicine.


Back Yard Medicine”

6 Medicinal Plants of the Sonoran Desert

By Sean Castle, Herbalist

The desert may be a dry and desolate place but the plants that have adapted to the arid climate produce very potent medicine. Some plants have multiple medicinal qualities and uses. Listed below are 6 common plants with  medicinal properties that can be found in the desert.

      1. Brittle Bush   Encelia farinosa

        * A tea made from the stems, leaves and flowers can be used as a mouth wash for tooth and gum pain due to it’s slight numbing effect.

      2. Mormon Tea/Joint Fern    Ephedra spp.

        * Mormon Tea as an affinity for the respiratory system and is especially helpful with asthma as it opens the bronchi of the lungs.

      3. Chaparral/Creosote   Larrea tridentata

        * Both fresh and dried leaves hold Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Fungal properties which can help with skin wounds and irritations.

      4. California Poppy   Eschoscholzia californica

        * The medicine from this plant can be used to aid with sleep disorders and is utilized in formula’s for children with ADD and AD/HD.

      5. Ocotillo    Fouquieria splendens

        * This plants works on the Lymphatic system by aiding in the absorption of dietary fat into the Lymphatic system and a tea made from the fresh flowers makes a cooling summer time drink.

      6. Prickly Pear   Opuntia spp

        * This plants medicinal properties are much like Aloe Vera which means it works great with bug bites, minor burns and skin irritations also the red fruit is highly nutritious.


These are just a few of the many medicinal plants that the desert has to offer right in our own back yard.