Sambucus Syrup

It’s cold and flu season so I thought I would post a herbal remedy for both in one yummy syrup. It’s called Sambucus syrup. The recipe makes 100 ounces so you will have enough for yourself and you can give some as gifts,

2 oz  Yarrow flowers

2 oz Elder flowers

6 oz Elder berries

2 oz dry Ginger root

2 oz crystallized Ginger nibs

2 oz dry Osha root

2 oz Dry Oregon Grape root or Barberry root

2 oz Cinnamon chips

3 c organic raw honey

12 c distilled water

1 1/2 c brandy (preservative)


* Weigh all herbs putting roots, barks and berries in one bowl and blossoms in another

* Add water to a stainless pot with the roots,barks and berries and bring to a simmer for 30-40 minutes

*Turn off the heat and add the blossoms cover and let steep for 10 more minutes

* Strain with cloth or stainer into another pot add honey and return to heat until honey is dissolved

* remove from heat let cool for 10 minutes then add the brandy

* stir and bottle and label with the date

The syrup will keep for about a year in the refrigerator. It works on coughs, sore throats, fevers, aches and pain associated with the flu and congestion.

Dose: Adults- 2 teaspoons 3 times a day or up to 4 times a day

          Children: 1 teaspoon 3-4 times per day

Both should use for 10 days past the time symptoms are gone.


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